New Mfused Balance Line

New Mfused Balance Line

Mfused has always been one of my top personal favorite companies. With their recently reformulated and re-released balance line, they are just getting better and better! Mfused’s Balance line focuses on getting cannabinoids other than THC into people’s everyday lifes. With CBD Ratios From 2:1 – 3:1 – 5:1 – 10:1 – 20:1 and ratios with CBN, CBC, and CBG included, there is something for anyone for any occasion. They have always come in carts but what I love is now they come in distillate syringes as all! The vapes are handy and its great that you can use them anywhere, but I personally love the syringe better. Being a heavier cannabis user, sometimes I need more than a few puffs on a pen to do the trick. With the distillate in a tanker, I can easily dose out enough to smoke in a single hit to get the instant effects that I desire!

The coolest part about the new Balance line from MFused is the new “Effects” they have formulated. Zenergy, Sleepen, and Tranquility! This series is formulated for specifically intended effects by combining different cannabinoids and terpenes together. 



Zenergy is formulated with both THC and CBG. CBG all by itself has no psychoactive effects. Lower amounts of CBG is known to boost energy, concentration, and creativity. Mixed with THC, you will have that “zen energy” to keep you peaceful and energized throughout your day. Some other added benefits of consuming CBG is that it has the potential to give relief to people who suffer from irritable bowel disease, and can even act as a neuroprotectant to protect the nerve cells in your brain from damage. More research needs to be done of course, but so far CBG has shown it can be very helpful! Smoking on Zenergy you can expect to feel energized, awake, and uplifted. 



SleepenSleepen is the sleep pen for you! Or tanker, depending on your preference. Sleepen combines THC and CBN together to gently lay users down to bed. CBN occurs naturally when Cannabis flowers are exposed to heat and light. Users have found that, although mildly psychoactive, CBN can be more effective than just CBD alone at helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. Mixing THC with CBN gives users a stronger entourage effect that is sure to calm your anxiety, relieve any inflammation, and help you count those sheep. What is the entourage effect you may ask? The entourage effect happens when you are intaking multiple cannabinoids and terpenes at the same time. Individually, cannabinoids and terpenes have their own effects. But mixed together, the effects can vary and will always be stronger! 


TranquilityThis is probably my favorite out of the whole balance line. Tranquility is a 1:1:1 of CBD, THC, and CBG all at the same time. I always say “More Cannabinoids the Better!”. This is because cannabinoids play a huge role in keeping your endocannabinoid system in homeostasis. The ECS plays a role in regulating functions and processes such as sleep, mood, appetite, memory, and reproduction and fertility. The ECS is always active, even when you don’t consume cannabis! Users can expect a great entourage effect from the tranquility formula and should feel relaxed and balanced without making you feel overly intoxicated. The perfect all-day vape that you can use and remain clear headed!

Hurry to Locals to have your Chill Coordinator find the right ratio for you!