Delta 8 THC and why you will be seeing more of this cannabinoid

Delta 8 THC and why you will be seeing more of this cannabinoid With over 100 Cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, it can be hard to keep track of them all.  Delta-9 THC is the cannabinoid that is usually in the spotlight.  Delta-9 THC is what is responsible for the psychoactive effect that most people […]

The Difference Between Artificial and Natural Terpenes

The Difference Between Artificial and Natural Terpenes With the recent ban of flavored vape cartridges in Washington State, Local’s would like to give you the facts on the differences between cannabis-derived terpenes and artificial terpenes. Ever wondered how the flavor gets into your favorite vape cartridge? The answer is terpenes! Some cartridges contain cannabis-derived terpenes […]

Why Smoking Locals is Safe

Why Smoking Locals is Safe You may have heard of recent respiratory illnesses popping up across the country due to smoking bootleg vape cartridges. Local’s Canna House would like to assure you that we take our customer’s safety as our highest priority. All products that we carry are personally vetted by Locals employees prior to […]

Cannabis Basics

Cannabis Basics Whether you are new to Cannabis or just want to learn more information, we’ve got you covered with the basics of Cannabis! Inside the Anatomy of Cannabis A Cannabis plant is made up of hundreds of chemical compounds, mostly cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds that interact with receptors in the […]

Locals Guide to CBD Products

Locals Guide to CBD Products CBD has become a popular topic among health and wellness experts. There are two types of CBD on the market today. CBD from the hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC and is legal for use throughout the United States. You can find various forms of this CBD at your […]

Cannabis, Pain, and the Opioid Crisis

Cannabis, Pain, and the Opioid Crisis OPIOIDS Opioid addiction and overdose have become a major concern in the United States. According to the National Institute of Drug abuse, 47,000 people died in the U.S. of an opioid overdose in 2017; that’s an average of 128 people a day. Over time, prescription opioids become highly addictive […]