Using CBD To Treat Athlete Injuries
Did you know that sports and recreation-related injuries account for 4.2 million emergency room visits each year? And while the largest number of ER visits result from youth sports, nearly 1.5 million adults require emergency medical services each year.
Even if you didn’t know those particular facts, they probably didn’t surprise you. After all, sprains, strains, pulled muscles, and broken bones come with the territory of getting out there and leaving it all on the field.
Within the adventure sports community, almost everyone has an injury story to tell, if not multiple – it just comes with the territory.
It’s no surprise then, that the number of people using CBD to treat longstanding ailments that read like a proud laundry list of accomplishments is growing by the day as awareness rises.

Currently, there are options aplenty. You can drop CBD oil into your beverage, take it in capsule form, vape it – you can even use it in a variety of up-and-coming beauty products, from lip balms to hair and skin creams and other concoctions.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of many naturally occurring compounds in cannabis and hemp plants. Research surrounding CBD is still limited, but there are signs pointing toward effective promise in the realms of pain, inflammation and muscle soreness. Treating conditions as such can be very necessary for athletes, but especially those in the professional fields who could suffer injury or over exertion during an athletic competition. Here are just a few reasons athletes should consider CBD for an additional to their sports training regimen.
Despite CBD’s relatively mild side effects and natural roots, you should still seek medical advice before trying it. This is especially true if you have a medical condition or are taking other medication.

CBD may interact with some medications, changing the way the body breaks down these medications. This is especially true of drugs that are processed by the liver.
If you’re new to CBD, start with a low dose and don’t use it before an athletic competition or workout. When you grow comfortable with its effects, you can start to use higher doses and consider taking it before or even during physical activity.
You can also experiment with different ways to consume and apply CBD. Besides the common tinctures and capsules, there are also CBD coffees, pre-workout drinks, and muscle balms.
Topical CBD is thought to provide the same benefits as other ingestion methods. A recent study published in an Italian medical journal indicates that CBD balms could also treat scars and psoriasis.

There are still a lot of unknowns about CBD and its impact on athletes, but initial research indicates that it’s at least worth further exploration. Athletes may find it useful for pain.
If you want to try CBD, talk to your doctor before doing so, especially if you’re taking any medications. Start with a low dose and see how your body responds before taking more.