Conscious Cannabis – Naturally Grown Craft Cannabis

Conscious Cannabis – Naturally Grown Craft Cannabis

Conscious Cannabis budWith so many brands of cannabis out there, it can be hard to know exactly what it is you are getting. When you pick up a product produced by Conscious Cannabis you can rest assured that you are not only getting some of the cleanest grown cannabis products around,  but you are also getting cannabis that is being grown to its full potential and that is due to the great growing methods applied from start to finish. Just look for the Bodhi High brand and you know you will be in good hands.

Conscious Cannabis

Conscious Cannabis has 3 outdoor green houses with grow lights in addition to outdoor space to grow cannabis outdoors in the warmer months. These grow houses are used year round and have tarps on the top of the houses that are attached to motors that can be used to black out the whole greenhouse from light. This allows the growers to control the grow cycles of the plant and they can turn off the grow lights on sunny days. This not only saves electricity but also allows the cannabis to grow with the full spectrum of light from the sun which allows the plants to grow to its fullest potential.

CC Baby Plants

They also grow in an amazing nutrient rich living soil. The soil contains worms and the worm castings provide a constant flow of added nutrients for the plants. The soil also contains many other natural additives for the plants such as composted bark, charcoal, mushroom compost, bone meal, oyster shells, and even glacier dust. Having such a wide array of nutrient sources for the plant to pull from really helps the plants grow. This soil is only changed out once every 3 years in the main grow houses.

Conscious Cannabis Nutrients

In addition to the nutrient rich soil the growers at Conscious Cannabis also make teas for the plants that are packed with nutrients. These teas are fed regularly to the plants and the exact mixture and how often will depend on what stage of growth the plants are in. The teas can contain microbes, mushroom composts, worm castings, bat guano, seabird guano, alfalfa, biolive which is a combination of fish, crab, shrimp, and kelp meal, horse and goat manure, glacier dust and volcanic ash. The growers at Conscious Cannabis spoil their plants and this produces high quality, clean cannabis.

This cannabis is then extracted into concentrates and made into products such as odd duck edibles, topicals, sugar crystals, diamonds and sauce, terp crystals, and more. Come down to Locals to try these products grown from some of the best craft cannabis around! 

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