CBD For Locals

CBD For Locals

Many people take CBD locally for a plethora of reasons. Spanning from helping pain, sleep, chilling out, overall wellness, and many other reasons. Finding the right dosage is a process of trial and error. Depends on the reason or ailment you are trying to tackle in addition to how your body reacts to CBD. Each person’s body is different, so reactions will vary. Some people may feel effects right away, others may need a higher dosage, while some need to take CBD over a period of time for your body to adjust to retain the full effects of CBD. I had to take CBD daily for a bit over a month to get greater effects from the same dose. These are a few of my favorite CBD products at Locals.


Green Revolution CBD Fast Tabs

fast tabs


Fast tabs are a great option for the daily CBD consumer. They come 50 servings to a bottle with 10mg per tab for a whopping 500mg in the whole bottle. These nifty tabs will be the fastest type of relief you can get aside from smoking or sublinguals. They are specially formulated to absorb quickly into the body, typically in as fast as 15 minutes.  Fast tabs come in four options, Remarkable Day time, Remarkable Nighttime, Vitality, and Happiest Self. Each one contains different supplementary herbs to aid the effects of the CBD. However, Happiest Self Fast tabs contain 1mg of CBG per tab. CBG is a cannabinoid good at aiding anxiety, nausea, and boosting moods. My favorite was the Vitality Fast tabs. They contain reishi mushroom, which is good at protecting your immune system in addition to fighting fatigue. I found it very effective for keeping me going throughout my day. 


Mr. Moxey’s CBD Mints


Moxey Mints have choices for everyone, including ginger, peppermint, and cinnamon in options that are THC, CBD, CBD:THC, and added botanicals for daytime, nighttime, or chilling out. Some options even come in as low as 2.5mg and 5mg per dose for the micro-dosers. For the user that likes to be discreet, these mints are great to put into other empty mint containers. One of my favorites from moxey is their Zen Peppermint mints. Not only are they refreshing, they contain 25mg of cbd per mint with 20 to a container. Great for the the CBD user that wants a more of a kick.


Ceres Balance Capsules


Ceres has been a popular company for a long time with Dragon Balm, affordable tinctures, and tasty chocolate covered macadamia nuts. CBD users that need heavier doses will love this. A new hot product to hit the scene are the Balance Capsules. These plant based soft gelatin capsules are fast acting and have a hefty 100mg of CBD per capsule with 10 per package. The strongest single dose CBD option that Locals has to offer currently. Ceres grows and extracts everything in house, they do not use third party companies for their products like some of their competitors. Ceres nano-emulsifies many of their products including these capsules for smaller particle sizes to allow for faster absorption and higher bioavailability.